Warmup Loose Cable Covers 20.5 to 21.9m2 Wire Underfloor Heating
Warmup Loose Cable Covers 20.5 to 21.9m2 Wire Underfloor Heating
Warmup loose wire system provides the best flexibility of layout so are ideal for awkward shaped or smaller floor areas, they are usually installed beneath a tiled or stone floor finish but can be used beneath Vinyls when embedded within a suitable levelling compound. Choose your cable system to cover around 95% of your open floor area. You can also choose your thermostat from the thermostat choice menu. Warm loose wire systems are 2mm in diameter, ultra-thin, dual-core heating element. The small cross-section of our element allows it to be installed in a matter of hours without raising floor levels. There is no need to dig up the floor and no need to mix concrete. Simply fix the heating element to the subfloor, tile straight over and say goodbye to cold feet for good!